5 Cloud Providers, not 4 #CloudComputing #CIO

From CIO Magazine:

There are effectively four enterprise vendors today: IBM, HP, Oracle-Sun Microsystems (which are due to merge), and now arguably Cisco Systems, EMC and VMware.. via Acadia. … as good as anything arriving out of a merger. These mergers and joint agreements are giving the enterprise vendors the means to sell complete data center infrastructure environments.

My take:

  • There are 5, not four – don’t forget about Dell‘s cloud offering
  • Try buying ONE server from any of the large infra providers – and you will see the real problem that cloud computing is trying to address: speed to market.

Media confused about #CloudComputing?

Writes Peter Kretzman:

Flickr, Gmail, and Facebook are great services, but declaring that they represent the burgeoning trend of cloud computing is as incomplete and unsatisfying as explaining the Grand Canyon as just a tourist attraction in Arizona.

The problem here, and the reason that so many of these mainstream articles get it so wrong, is they’re trying to explain cloud computing as a consumer-oriented phenomenon, and it’s basically not. Not the exciting or “new” part, anyway.

Read the rest of this extremely well-written article.